Source code for cli

#!/usr/bin/env python

    # python2.7 doesn't have typing module
    from typing import Any, List, Tuple
except ImportError:

import argparse
import os
import re

# python2.7 doesn't have pathlib module
REPO_PATH = os.path.join(os.sep, *os.path.realpath(__file__).split(os.sep)[:-2])
REPO = os.path.split(REPO_PATH)[-1]
GITHUB_USER = 'theNewFlesh'
USER = 'ubuntu:ubuntu'
PORT = 8080
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A CLI for developing and deploying an app deeply integrated with this
repository's structure. Written to be python version agnostic.

[docs]def get_info(): # type: () -> Tuple[str, list] ''' Parses command line call. Returns: tuple[str]: Mode and arguments. ''' desc = 'A CLI for developing and deploying the {repo} app.'.format( repo=REPO ) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description=desc, usage='\n\tpython COMMAND [-a --args]=ARGS [-h --help]' ) parser.add_argument( 'command', metavar='command', type=str, nargs=1, action='store', help='''Command to run in {repo} app. build-package - Build production version of repo for publishing build-prod - Publish pip package of repo to PyPi build-publish - Run production tests first then publish pip package of repo to PyPi build-test - Build test version of repo for prod testing docker-build - Build image of {repo} docker-build-prod - Build production image of {repo} docker-container - Display the Docker container id of {repo} docker-coverage - Generate coverage report for {repo} docker-destroy - Shutdown {repo} container and destroy its image docker-destroy-prod - Shutdown {repo} production container and destroy its image docker-image - Display the Docker image id of {repo} docker-prod - Start {repo} production container docker-push - Push {repo} production image to Dockerhub docker-remove - Remove {repo} Docker image docker-restart - Restart {repo} container docker-start - Start {repo} container docker-stop - Stop {repo} container docs - Generate sphinx documentation docs-architecture - Generate architecture.svg diagram from all import statements docs-full - Generate documentation, coverage report, diagram and code docs-metrics - Generate code metrics report, plots and tables library-add - Add a given package to a given dependency group library-graph-dev - Graph dependencies in dev environment library-graph-prod - Graph dependencies in prod environment library-install-dev - Install all dependencies into dev environment library-install-prod - Install all dependencies into prod environment library-list-dev - List packages in dev environment library-list-prod - List packages in prod environment library-lock-dev - Resolve dev.lock file library-lock-prod - Resolve prod.lock file library-remove - Remove a given package from a given dependency group library-search - Search for pip packages library-sync-dev - Sync dev environment with packages listed in dev.lock library-sync-prod - Sync prod environment with packages listed in prod.lock library-update - Update dev dependencies session-app - Run app session-lab - Run jupyter lab server session-python - Run python session with dev dependencies state - State of {repo} test-coverage - Generate test coverage report test-dev - Run all tests test-fast - Test all code excepts tests marked with SKIP_SLOWS_TESTS decorator test-lint - Run linting and type checking test-prod - Run tests across all support python versions version - Full resolution of repo: dependencies, linting, tests, docs, etc version-bump-major - Bump pyproject major version version-bump-minor - Bump pyproject minor version version-bump-patch - Bump pyproject patch version zsh - Run ZSH session inside {repo} container zsh-complete - Generate oh-my-zsh completions zsh-root - Run ZSH session as root inside {repo} container '''.format(repo=REPO)) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--args', metavar='args', type=str, nargs='+', action='store', help='Additional arguments to be passed. Be sure to include hyphen prefixes.' ) temp = parser.parse_args() mode = temp.command[0] args = [] if temp.args is not None: args = re.split(' +', temp.args[0]) return mode, args
[docs]def resolve(commands): # type: (List[str]) -> str ''' Convenience function for creating single commmand from given commands and resolving '{...}' substrings. Args: commands (list[str]): List of commands. Returns: str: Resolved command. ''' cmd = ' && '.join(commands) all_ = dict( black='\033[0;30m', blue='\033[0;34m', clear='\033[0m', cyan='\033[0;36m', green='\033[0;32m', purple='\033[0;35m', red='\033[0;31m', white='\033[0;37m', yellow='\033[0;33m', github_user=GITHUB_USER, port=str(PORT), pythonpath='{PYTHONPATH}', repo_path=REPO_PATH, repo=REPO, repo_=re.sub('-', '_', REPO), user=USER, ) args = {} for k, v in all_.items(): if '{' + k + '}' in cmd: args[k] = v cmd = cmd.format(**args) return cmd
[docs]def line(text, sep=' '): # type: (str, str) -> str ''' Convenience function for formatting a given block of text as series of commands. Args: text (text): Block of text. sep (str, optional): Line separator. Default: ' '. Returns: str: Formatted command. ''' output = re.sub('^\n|\n$', '', text) # type: Any output = output.split('\n') output = [re.sub('^ +| +$', '', x) for x in output] output = sep.join(output) + sep return output
# SUBCOMMANDS-------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def enter_repo(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to enter repo. ''' return 'export CWD=`pwd` && cd {repo_path}'
[docs]def exit_repo(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to return to original directory. ''' return 'cd $CWD'
[docs]def start(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to start container if it is not yet running. ''' cmds = [ line(''' export STATE=`docker ps -a -f name=^{repo}$ -f status=running --format='{{{{{{{{.Status}}}}}}}}'` '''), line(''' if [ -z "$STATE" ]; then cd docker; docker compose -p {repo} -f {repo_path}/docker/docker-compose.yml up --detach; cd ..; fi '''), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def stop(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to shutdown container. ''' cmd = line(''' cd docker; docker compose -p {repo} -f {repo_path}/docker/docker-compose.yml down; cd .. ''') return cmd
[docs]def remove_container(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to remove container. ''' return 'docker container rm --force {repo}'
[docs]def docker_exec(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Partial command to call 'docker exec'. ''' cmd = line(''' docker exec --interactive --tty --user {user} ''') return cmd
[docs]def version_variable(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to set version variable from pyproject.toml. ''' return line(''' export VERSION=`cat docker/config/pyproject.toml | grep -E '^version *=' | awk '{{print $3}}' | sed 's/\"//g'` ''')
[docs]def x_tools(command, args=[]): # type: (str, list[str]) -> str ''' Creates a x_tools command string. Args: command (str): x_tools command args (list, optional): List of arguments to be passed to the command. Default: [] Returns: str: x_tools command. ''' cmd = 'source /home/ubuntu/.zshrc && {cmd}'.format(cmd=command) if args != []: cmd = cmd + ' ' + ' '.join(args) cmd = '"{cmd}"'.format(cmd=cmd) return cmd
# COMMANDS----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def build_dev_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to build dev image. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), line(''' cd docker; docker build --file dev.dockerfile --tag {repo}:dev .; cd .. '''), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def build_prod_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to build prod image. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), version_variable(), line(''' cd docker; docker build --force-rm --no-cache --file prod.dockerfile --tag {github_user}/{repo}:$VERSION .; cd .. '''), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def container_id_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to get docker container id. ''' cmds = [ "docker ps -a --filter name=^{repo}$ --format '{{{{.ID}}}}'" ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def destroy_dev_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to destroy dev container and image. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), stop(), remove_container(), 'docker image rm --force {repo}:dev', exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def destroy_prod_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to destroy prod image. ''' cmds = [ "export PROD_CID=`docker ps --filter name=^{repo}-prod$ --format '{{{{.ID}}}}'`", "export PROD_IID=`docker images {github_user}/{repo} --format '{{{{.ID}}}}'`", 'docker container stop $PROD_CID', 'docker image rm --force $PROD_IID', ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def image_id_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to get docker image id. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), start(), "docker images {repo} --format '{{{{.ID}}}}'", exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def prod_command(args): # type: (list) -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to start prod container. ''' if args == ['']: cmds = [ line(''' echo "Please provide a directory to map into the container after the {cyan}-a{clear} flag." ''') ] return resolve(cmds) run = 'docker run --volume {}:/mnt/storage'.format(args[0]) cmds = [ enter_repo(), version_variable(), line(run + ''' --rm --publish {port}:{port} --name {repo}-prod {github_user}/{repo}:$VERSION '''), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def push_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to push prod docker image to dockerhub. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), version_variable(), start(), 'docker push {github_user}/{repo}:$VERSION', exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def remove_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to remove container. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), remove_container(), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def restart_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to restart container. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), line(''' cd docker; docker compose -p {repo} -f {repo_path}/docker/docker-compose.yml restart; cd .. '''), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def start_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to start container. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), start(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def state_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to get state of app. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), version_variable(), 'export IMAGE_EXISTS=`docker images {repo} | grep -v REPOSITORY`', 'export CONTAINER_EXISTS=`docker ps -a -f name=^{repo}$ | grep -v CONTAINER`', 'export RUNNING=`docker ps -a -f name=^{repo}$ -f status=running | grep -v CONTAINER`', line(r''' export PORTS=` cat docker/docker-compose.yml | grep -E ' - "....:...."' | sed s'/.* - "//g' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/^/{blue}/g' | sed 's/:/{clear}-->/g' | awk 1 ORS=' ' ` '''), line(''' if [ -z "$IMAGE_EXISTS" ]; then export IMAGE_STATE="{red}absent{clear}"; else export IMAGE_STATE="{green}present{clear}"; fi; if [ -z "$CONTAINER_EXISTS" ]; then export CONTAINER_STATE="{red}absent{clear}"; elif [ -z "$RUNNING" ]; then export CONTAINER_STATE="{red}stopped{clear}"; else export CONTAINER_STATE="{green}running{clear}"; fi '''), line('''echo "app: {cyan}{repo}{clear} - version: {yellow}$VERSION{clear} - image: $IMAGE_STATE - container: $CONTAINER_STATE - ports: {blue}$PORTS{clear}" '''), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def stop_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to stop container. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), stop(), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def x_tools_command(command, args=[]): # type: (str, list[str]) -> str ''' Runs a x_tools command. Args: command (str): x_tools command args (list, optional): List of arguments to be passed to the command. Default: [] Returns: str: x_tools command. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), start(), docker_exec() + ' {repo} zsh -c ' + x_tools(command, args), exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def zsh_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to run a zsh session inside container. ''' cmds = [ enter_repo(), start(), docker_exec() + ' {repo} zsh', exit_repo(), ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def zsh_complete_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to generate and install zsh completions. ''' cmds = [ 'mkdir -p ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/completions', 'export _COMP=~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/completions/_{repo}', 'touch $_COMP', "echo 'fpath=(~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/completions $fpath)' >> ~/.zshrc", 'echo "#compdef {repo} rec" > $_COMP', 'echo "" >> $_COMP', 'echo "local -a _subcommands" >> $_COMP', 'echo "_subcommands=(" >> $_COMP', line(''' bin/{repo} --help | grep ' - ' | sed -E 's/ +- /:/g' | sed -E 's/^ +//g' | sed -E "s/(.*)/ '\\1'/g" | parallel "echo {{}} >> $_COMP" '''), 'echo ")" >> $_COMP', 'echo "" >> $_COMP', 'echo "local expl" >> $_COMP', 'echo "" >> $_COMP', 'echo "_arguments \\\\" >> $_COMP', 'echo " \'(-h --help)\'{{-h,--help}}\'[show help message]\' \\\\" >> $_COMP', 'echo " \'(-d --dryrun)\'{{-d,--dryrun}}\'[print command]\' \\\\" >> $_COMP', 'echo " \'*:: :->subcmds\' && return 0" >> $_COMP', 'echo "\n" >> $_COMP', 'echo "if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then" >> $_COMP', 'echo " _describe -t commands \\"{repo} subcommand\\" _subcommands\" >> $_COMP', 'echo " return" >> $_COMP', 'echo "fi" >> $_COMP', ] return resolve(cmds)
[docs]def zsh_root_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to run a zsh session as root inside container. ''' return re.sub('ubuntu:ubuntu', 'root:root', zsh_command())
[docs]def get_illegal_mode_command(): # type: () -> str ''' Returns: str: Command to report that the mode given is illegal. ''' cmds = [ line(''' echo "That is not a legal command. Please call {cyan}{repo} --help{clear} to see a list of legal commands." ''') ] return resolve(cmds)
# MAIN--------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def main(): # type: () -> None ''' Print different commands to stdout depending on mode provided to command. ''' mode, args = get_info() lut = { 'build-package': x_tools_command('x_build_package', args), 'build-prod': x_tools_command('x_build_prod', args), 'build-publish': x_tools_command('x_build_publish', args), 'build-test': x_tools_command('x_build_test', args), 'docker-build': build_dev_command(), 'docker-build-prod': build_prod_command(), 'docker-container': container_id_command(), 'docker-destroy': destroy_dev_command(), 'docker-destroy-prod': destroy_prod_command(), 'docker-image': image_id_command(), 'docker-prod': prod_command(args), 'docker-push': push_command(), 'docker-remove': remove_command(), 'docker-restart': restart_command(), 'docker-start': start_command(), 'docker-stop': stop_command(), 'docs': x_tools_command('x_docs', args), 'docs-architecture': x_tools_command('x_docs_architecture', args), 'docs-full': x_tools_command('x_docs_full', args), 'docs-metrics': x_tools_command('x_docs_metrics', args), 'library-add': x_tools_command('x_library_add', args), 'library-graph-dev': x_tools_command('x_library_graph_dev', args), 'library-graph-prod': x_tools_command('x_library_graph_prod', args), 'library-install-dev': x_tools_command('x_library_install_dev', args), 'library-install-prod': x_tools_command('x_library_install_prod', args), 'library-list-dev': x_tools_command('x_library_list_dev', args), 'library-list-prod': x_tools_command('x_library_list_prod', args), 'library-lock-dev': x_tools_command('x_library_lock_dev', args), 'library-lock-prod': x_tools_command('x_library_lock_prod', args), 'library-remove': x_tools_command('x_library_remove', args), 'library-search': x_tools_command('x_library_search', args), 'library-sync-dev': x_tools_command('x_library_sync_dev', args), 'library-sync-prod': x_tools_command('x_library_sync_prod', args), 'library-update': x_tools_command('x_library_update', args), 'session-app': x_tools_command('x_session_app', args), 'session-lab': x_tools_command('x_session_lab', args), 'session-python': x_tools_command('x_session_python', args), 'state': state_command(), 'test-coverage': x_tools_command('x_test_coverage', args), 'test-dev': x_tools_command('x_test_dev', args), 'test-fast': x_tools_command('x_test_fast', args), 'test-lint': x_tools_command('x_test_lint', args), 'test-prod': x_tools_command('x_test_prod', args), 'version': x_tools_command('x_version', args), 'version-bump-major': x_tools_command('x_version_bump_major', args), 'version-bump-minor': x_tools_command('x_version_bump_minor', args), 'version-bump-patch': x_tools_command('x_version_bump_patch', args), 'zsh': zsh_command(), 'zsh-complete': zsh_complete_command(), 'zsh-root': zsh_root_command(), } cmd = lut.get(mode, get_illegal_mode_command()) # print is used instead of execute because REPO_PATH and USER do not # resolve in a subprocess and subprocesses do not give real time stdout. # So, running `command up` will give you nothing until the process ends. # `eval "[generated command] $@"` resolves all these issues. print(cmd)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()