Source code for rolling_pin.conform_etl

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
from IPython.display import HTML, Image

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
import re

from lunchbox.enforce import Enforce
from pandas import DataFrame
import yaml

from rolling_pin.blob_etl import BlobETL
from rolling_pin.conform_config import ConformConfig
import as rpt

Rules = List[Dict[str, str]]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    'node_font': '#DE958E',
    'node_value_font': '#B6ECF3',
    'edge': '#DE958E',
    'edge_value': '#B6ECF3',
    'node_library_font': '#B6ECF3',
    'node_module_font': '#DE958E',
    'edge_library': '#B6ECF3',
    'edge_module': '#DE958E'

[docs]class ConformETL: ''' ConformETL creates a DataFrame from a given directory of source files. Then it generates target paths given a set of rules. Finally, the conform method is called and the source files are copied to their target filepaths. '''
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_data( source_rules=[], rename_rules=[], group_rules=[], line_rules=[] ): # type: (Rules, Rules, Rules, Rules) -> DataFrame ''' Generates DataFrame from given source_rules and then generates target paths for them given other rules. Args: source_rules (Rules): A list of rules for parsing directories. Default: []. rename_rules (Rules): A list of rules for renaming source filepath to target filepaths. Default: []. group_rules (Rules): A list of rules for grouping files. Default: []. line_rules (Rules): A list of rules for peforming line copies on files belonging to a given group. Default: []. Returns: DataFrame: Conform DataFrame. ''' # source source = [] # type: List[Any] for rule in source_rules: files = rpt.list_all_files( rule['path'], include_regex=rule.get('include', None), exclude_regex=rule.get('exclude', None), ) source.extend(files) source = sorted([x.as_posix() for x in source]) data = DataFrame() data['source'] = source data['target'] = source # rename for rule in rename_rules: = \ .apply(lambda x: re.sub(rule['regex'], rule['replace'], x)) # group data['groups'] = data.source.apply(lambda x: []) for rule in group_rules: mask = data.source \ .apply(lambda x:['regex'], x)) \ .astype(bool) data.loc[mask, 'groups'] = data.groups \ .apply(lambda x: x + [rule['name']]) mask = data.groups.apply(lambda x: x == []) data.loc[mask, 'groups'] = data.loc[mask, 'groups'] \ .apply(lambda x: ['base']) # line groups = set([x['group'] for x in line_rules]) data['line_rule'] = data.groups \ .apply(lambda x: len(set(x).intersection(groups)) > 0) return data
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, filepath): # type: (Union[str, Path]) -> ConformETL ''' Construct ConformETL instance from given yaml file. Args: filepath (str or Path): YAML file. Raises: EnforceError: If file does not end in yml or yaml. Returns: ConformETL: ConformETL instance. ''' filepath = Path(filepath).as_posix() ext = Path(filepath).suffix[1:].lower() msg = f'{filepath} does not end in yml or yaml.' Enforce(ext, 'in', ['yml', 'yaml'], message=msg) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- with open(filepath) as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) return cls(**config)
[docs] def __init__( self, source_rules=[], rename_rules=[], group_rules=[], line_rules=[] ): # type: (Rules, Rules, Rules, Rules) -> None ''' Generates DataFrame from given source_rules and then generates target paths for them given other rules. Args: source_rules (Rules): A list of rules for parsing directories. Default: []. rename_rules (Rules): A list of rules for renaming source filepath to target filepaths. Default: []. group_rules (Rules): A list of rules for grouping files. Default: []. line_rules (Rules): A list of rules for peforming line copies on files belonging to a given group. Default: []. Raises: DataError: If configuration is invalid. ''' config = dict( source_rules=source_rules, rename_rules=rename_rules, group_rules=group_rules, line_rules=line_rules, ) cfg = ConformConfig(config) cfg.validate() config = cfg.to_native() self._data = self._get_data( source_rules=source_rules, rename_rules=rename_rules, group_rules=group_rules, line_rules=line_rules, ) # type: DataFrame self._line_rules = line_rules # type: Rules
[docs] def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str ''' String representation of conform DataFrame. Returns: str: Table optimized for output to shell. ''' data = self._data.copy() data.line_rule = data.line_rule.apply(lambda x: 'X' if x else '') data.rename(lambda x: x.upper(), axis=1, inplace=True) output = data \ .to_string(index=False, max_colwidth=150, col_space=[50, 50, 20, 10]) return output
@property def groups(self): # type: () -> List[str] ''' list[str]: List of groups found with self._data. ''' output = self._data.groups.tolist() output = sorted(list(set(chain(*output)))) output.remove('base') output.insert(0, 'base') return output
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' Returns: DataFrame: Copy of internal data. ''' return self._data.copy()
[docs] def to_blob(self): # type: () -> BlobETL ''' Converts self into a BlobETL object with target column as keys and source columns as values. Returns: BlobETL: BlobETL of target and source filepaths. ''' data = self._data keys = vals = data.source.tolist() output = dict(zip(keys, vals)) return BlobETL(output)
[docs] def to_html( self, orient='lr', color_scheme=CONFORM_COLOR_SCHEME, as_png=False ): # type: (str, Dict[str, str], bool) -> Union[Image, HTML] ''' For use in inline rendering of graph data in Jupyter Lab. Graph from target to source filepath. Target is in red, source is in cyan. Args: orient (str, optional): Graph layout orientation. Default: lr. Options include: * tb - top to bottom * bt - bottom to top * lr - left to right * rl - right to left color_scheme: (dict, optional): Color scheme to be applied to graph. Default: rolling_pin.conform_etl.CONFORM_COLOR_SCHEME as_png (bool, optional): Display graph as a PNG image instead of SVG. Useful for display on Github. Default: False. Returns: IPython.display.HTML: HTML object for inline display. ''' return self.to_blob() \ .to_html(orient=orient, color_scheme=color_scheme, as_png=as_png)
[docs] def conform(self, groups='all'): # type: (Union[str, List[str]]) -> None ''' Copies source files to target filepaths. Args: groups (str or list[str]): Groups of files which are to be conformed. 'all' means all groups. Default: 'all'. ''' if isinstance(groups, str): groups = [groups] if groups == ['all']: groups = self.groups data = self.to_dataframe() # copy files grps = set(groups) mask = data.groups \ .apply(lambda x: set(x).intersection(grps)) \ .apply(lambda x: len(x) > 0) data = data[mask] data.apply(lambda x: rpt.copy_file(x.source,, axis=1) # copy lines data['text'] = data.source.apply(rpt.read_text) rules = list(filter(lambda x: x['group'] in groups, self._line_rules)) for rule in rules: mask = data.groups.apply(lambda x: rule['group'] in x) data.loc[mask, 'text'] = data.loc[mask, 'text'].apply( lambda x: rpt.filter_text( x, include_regex=rule.get('include', None), exclude_regex=rule.get('exclude', None), replace_regex=rule.get('regex', None), replace_value=rule.get('replace', None), ) ) data.apply(lambda x: rpt.write_text(x.text,, axis=1)