Source code for rolling_pin.radon_etl

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union  # noqa: F401

import json
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path

import cufflinks as cf
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import radon.complexity
from radon.cli import Config
from radon.cli import CCHarvester, HCHarvester, MIHarvester, RawHarvester

from rolling_pin.blob_etl import BlobETL
import as rpt
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Contain the RadonETL class, which is used for generating a radon report on the
code wthin a given directory.

[docs]class RadonETL(): ''' Conforms all four radon reports (raw metrics, Halstead, maintainability and cyclomatic complexity) into a single DataFrame that can then be plotted. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, fullpath): # type: (Union[str, Path]) -> None ''' Constructs a RadonETL instance. Args: fullpath (str or Path): Python file or directory of python files. ''' self._report = RadonETL._get_radon_report(fullpath)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @property def report(self): # type: () -> Dict ''' dict: Dictionary of all radon metrics. ''' return self._report @property def data(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' DataFrame: DataFrame of all radon metrics. ''' return self._get_radon_data() @property def raw_metrics(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' DataFrame: DataFrame of radon raw metrics. ''' return self._get_raw_metrics_dataframe(self._report) @property def maintainability_index(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' DataFrame: DataFrame of radon maintainability index metrics. ''' return self._get_maintainability_index_dataframe(self._report) @property def cyclomatic_complexity_metrics(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' DataFrame: DataFrame of radon cyclomatic complexity metrics. ''' return self._get_cyclomatic_complexity_dataframe(self._report) @property def halstead_metrics(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' DataFrame: DataFrame of radon Halstead metrics. ''' return self._get_halstead_dataframe(self._report) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def _get_radon_data(self): # type: () -> DataFrame ''' Constructs a DataFrame representing all the radon reports generated for a given python file or directory containing python files. Returns: DataFrame: Radon report DataFrame. ''' hal = self.halstead_metrics cc = self.cyclomatic_complexity_metrics raw = self.raw_metrics mi = self.maintainability_index data = hal.merge(cc, how='outer', on=['fullpath', 'name']) data['object_type'] = data.object_type_x mask = data.object_type_x.apply(pd.isnull) mask = data[mask].index data.loc[mask, 'object_type'] = data.loc[mask, 'object_type_y'] del data['object_type_x'] del data['object_type_y'] module = raw.merge(mi, on='fullpath') cols = set(module.columns.tolist()) # type: Any cols = cols.difference(data.columns.tolist()) cols = list(cols) for col in cols: data[col] = np.nan mask = data.object_type == 'module' for i, row in data[mask].iterrows(): for col in cols: val = module[module.fullpath == row.fullpath][col].item() data.loc[i, col] = val cols = [ 'fullpath', 'name', 'class_name', 'object_type', 'blank', 'bugs', 'calculated_length', 'code', 'column_offset', 'comment', 'cyclomatic_complexity', 'cyclomatic_rank', 'difficulty', 'effort', 'h1', 'h2', 'length', 'logical_code', 'maintainability_index', 'maintainability_rank', 'multiline_comment', 'n1', 'n2', 'single_comment', 'source_code', 'start_line', 'stop_line', 'time', 'vocabulary', 'volume', ] data = data[cols] return data
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_radon_report(fullpath): # type: (Union[str, Path]) -> Dict[str, Any] ''' Gets all 4 report from radon and aggregates them into a single blob object. Args: fullpath (str or Path): Python file or directory of python files. Returns: dict: Radon report blob. ''' fullpath_ = [Path(fullpath).absolute().as_posix()] # type: List[str] output = [] # type: Any config = Config( min='A', max='F', exclude=None, ignore=None, show_complexity=False, average=False, total_average=False, order=getattr( radon.complexity, 'SCORE', getattr(radon.complexity, 'SCORE') ), no_assert=False, show_closures=False, ) output.append(CCHarvester(fullpath_, config).as_json()) config = Config( exclude=None, ignore=None, summary=False, ) output.append(RawHarvester(fullpath_, config).as_json()) config = Config( min='A', max='C', exclude=None, ignore=None, multi=True, show=False, sort=False, ) output.append(MIHarvester(fullpath_, config).as_json()) config = Config( exclude=None, ignore=None, by_function=False, ) output.append(HCHarvester(fullpath_, config).as_json()) output = list(map(json.loads, output)) keys = [ 'cyclomatic_complexity', 'raw_metrics', 'maintainability_index', 'halstead_metrics', ] output = dict(zip(keys, output)) return output
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_raw_metrics_dataframe(report): # type: (Dict) -> DataFrame ''' Converts radon raw metrics report into a pandas DataFrame. Args: report (dict): Radon report blob. Returns: DataFrame: Raw metrics DataFrame. ''' raw = report['raw_metrics'] fullpaths = list(raw.keys()) path_lut = {k: f'<list_{i}>' for i, k in enumerate(fullpaths)} fullpath_fields = {x: {'fullpath': x} for x in fullpaths} # loc = Lines of Code (total lines) - sloc + blanks + multi + single_comments # lloc = Logical Lines of Code # comments = Comments lines # multi = Multi-line strings (assumed to be docstrings) # blank = Blank lines (or whitespace-only lines) # single_comments = Single-line comments or docstrings name_lut = dict( blank='blank', comments='comment', lloc='logical_code', loc='code', multi='multiline_comment', single_comments='single_comment', sloc='source_code', fullpath='fullpath', ) data = BlobETL(raw, '#')\ .update(fullpath_fields) \ .set_field(0, lambda x: path_lut[x])\ .set_field(1, lambda x: name_lut[x])\ .to_dict() # type: Union[Dict, DataFrame] data = DataFrame(data) data.sort_values('fullpath', inplace=True) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) cols = [ 'fullpath', 'blank', 'code', 'comment', 'logical_code', 'multiline_comment', 'single_comment', 'source_code', ] data = data[cols] return data
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_maintainability_index_dataframe(report): # type: (Dict) -> DataFrame ''' Converts radon maintainability index report into a pandas DataFrame. Args: report (dict): Radon report blob. Returns: DataFrame: Maintainability DataFrame. ''' mi = report['maintainability_index'] fullpaths = list(mi.keys()) path_lut = {k: f'<list_{i}>' for i, k in enumerate(fullpaths)} fullpath_fields = {x: {'fullpath': x} for x in fullpaths} name_lut = dict( mi='maintainability_index', rank='maintainability_rank', fullpath='fullpath', ) data = None # type: Any data = BlobETL(mi, '#')\ .update(fullpath_fields) \ .set_field(0, lambda x: path_lut[x])\ .set_field(1, lambda x: name_lut[x])\ .to_dict() data = DataFrame(data) data.sort_values('fullpath', inplace=True) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) cols = ['fullpath', 'maintainability_index', 'maintainability_rank'] data = data[cols] # convert rank to integer rank_lut = {k: i for i, k in enumerate('ABCDEF')} data['maintainability_rank'] = data['maintainability_rank']\ .apply(lambda x: rank_lut[x]) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_cyclomatic_complexity_dataframe(report): # type: (Dict) -> DataFrame ''' Converts radon cyclomatic complexity report into a pandas DataFrame. Args: report (dict): Radon report blob. Returns: DataFrame: Cyclomatic complexity DataFrame. ''' filters = [ [4, 6, 'method_closure', '^[^#]+#<list_[0-9]+>#methods#<list_[0-9]+>#closures#<list_[0-9]+>#[^#]+$'], [3, 4, 'closure', '^[^#]+#<list_[0-9]+>#closures#<list_[0-9]+>#[^#]+$'], [3, 4, 'method', '^[^#]+#<list_[0-9]+>#methods#<list_[0-9]+>#[^#]+$'], [2, 2, None, '^[^#]+#<list_[0-9]+>#[^#]+$'], ] # type: Any cc = report['cyclomatic_complexity'] rows = [] for i, j, type_, regex in filters: temp = BlobETL(cc, '#').query(regex) # type: DataFrame if len(temp.to_flat_dict().keys()) > 0: temp = temp.to_dataframe(i) item = temp\ .apply(lambda x: dict(zip(x[j], x['value'])), axis=1)\ .tolist() item = DataFrame(item) item['fullpath'] = temp[0] if type_ is not None: item.type = type_ rows.append(item) data = pd.concat(rows, ignore_index=True, sort=False) cols = [ 'fullpath', 'name', 'classname', 'type', 'complexity', 'rank', 'lineno', 'endline', 'col_offset' ] data = data[cols] lut = { 'fullpath': 'fullpath', 'name': 'name', 'classname': 'class_name', 'type': 'object_type', 'complexity': 'cyclomatic_complexity', 'rank': 'cyclomatic_rank', 'lineno': 'start_line', 'endline': 'stop_line', 'col_offset': 'column_offset', } data.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) data.rename(mapper=lambda x: lut[x], axis=1, inplace=True) data.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # convert rank to integer rank_lut = {k: i for i, k in enumerate('ABCDEF')} data['cyclomatic_rank'] = data['cyclomatic_rank']\ .apply(lambda x: rank_lut[x]) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_halstead_dataframe(report): # type: (Dict) -> DataFrame ''' Converts radon Halstead report into a pandas DataFrame. Args: report (dict): Radon report blob. Returns: DataFrame: Halstead DataFrame. ''' hal = report['halstead_metrics'] keys = [ 'h1', 'h2', 'n1', 'n2', 'vocabulary', 'length', 'calculated_length', 'volume', 'difficulty', 'effort', 'time', 'bugs', ] data = BlobETL(hal, '#').query('function|closure').to_dataframe(3) data['fullpath'] = data[0] data['object_type'] = data[1].apply(lambda x: re.sub('s$', '', x)) data['name'] = data.value.apply(lambda x: x[0]) score = data.value.apply(lambda x: dict(zip(keys, x[1:]))).tolist() score = DataFrame(score) data = data.join(score) total = BlobETL(hal, '#').query('total').to_dataframe() total['fullpath'] = total[0] total = total.groupby('fullpath', as_index=False)\ .agg(lambda x: dict(zip(keys, x))) score = total.value.tolist() score = DataFrame(score) total = total.join(score) total['object_type'] = 'module' total['name'] = total.fullpath\ .apply(lambda x: os.path.splitext((Path(x).name))[0]) data = pd.concat([data, total], ignore_index=True, sort=False) cols = ['fullpath', 'name', 'object_type'] cols.extend(keys) data = data[cols] return data
# EXPORT--------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_plots(self, fullpath): # type: (Union[str, Path]) -> RadonETL ''' Writes metrics plots to given file. Args: fullpath (Path or str): Target file. Returns: RadonETL: self. ''' cf.go_offline() def remove_test_modules(data): # type: (DataFrame) -> DataFrame mask = data.fullpath\ .apply(lambda x: not'_test\.py$', x)).astype(bool) return data[mask] lut = dict( h1='h1 - the number of distinct operators', h2='h2 - the number of distinct operands', n1='n1 - the total number of operators', n2='n2 - the total number of operands', vocabulary='vocabulary (h) - h1 + h2', length='length (N) - n1 + n2', calculated_length='calculated_length - h1 * log2(h1) + h2 * log2(h2)', volume='volume (V) - N * log2(h)', difficulty='difficulty (D) - h1 / 2 * n2 / h2', effort='effort (E) - D * V', time='time (T) - E / 18 seconds', bugs='bugs (B) - V / 3000 - an estimate of the errors in the implementation', ) params = dict( theme='henanigans', colors=rpt.COLOR_SCALE, dimensions=(900, 900), asFigure=True, ) html = '<body style="background: #242424">\n' raw = remove_test_modules(self.raw_metrics) mi = remove_test_modules(self.maintainability_index) cc = remove_test_modules(self.cyclomatic_complexity_metrics) hal = remove_test_modules(self.halstead_metrics) raw['docstring_ratio'] = raw.multiline_comment / raw.code raw.sort_values('docstring_ratio', inplace=True) html += raw.iplot( x='fullpath', kind='barh', title='Line Count Metrics', **params ).to_html() html += mi.iplot( x='fullpath', kind='barh', title='Maintainability Metrics', **params ).to_html() params['dimensions'] = (900, 500) cols = ['cyclomatic_complexity', 'cyclomatic_rank'] html += cc[cols].iplot( kind='hist', bins=50, title='Cyclomatic Metric Distributions', **params ).to_html() cols = [ 'h1', 'h2', 'n1', 'n2', 'vocabulary', 'length', 'calculated_length', 'volume', 'difficulty', 'effort', 'time', 'bugs' ] html += hal[cols]\ .rename(mapper=lambda x: lut[x], axis=1)\ .iplot( kind='hist', bins=50, title='Halstead Metric Distributions', **params)\ .to_html() html += '\n</body>' with open(fullpath, 'w') as f: f.write(html) return self
[docs] def write_tables(self, target_dir): # type: (Union[str, Path]) -> RadonETL ''' Writes metrics tables as HTML files to given directory. Args: target_dir (Path or str): Target directory. Returns: RadonETL: self. ''' def write_table(data, target): # type: (DataFrame, Path) -> None html = data.to_html() # make table sortable script = '<script ' script += 'src="" ' script += 'type="text/javascript"></script>\n' html = re.sub('class="dataframe"', 'class="sortable"', html) html = script + html with open(target, 'w') as f: f.write(html) data = raw = self.raw_metrics mi = self.maintainability_index cc = self.cyclomatic_complexity_metrics hal = self.halstead_metrics write_table(data, Path(target_dir, 'all_metrics.html')) write_table(raw, Path(target_dir, 'raw_metrics.html')) write_table(mi, Path(target_dir, 'maintainability_metrics.html')) write_table(cc, Path(target_dir, 'cyclomatic_complexity_metrics.html')) write_table(hal, Path(target_dir, 'halstead_metrics.html')) return self